Cold Feet? It Might Be More Than Just the Weather

There’s nothing that beats winter in New York, except, of course, the persistent coldness, numbness, or tingling in your feet that could signal an underlying circulation issue. For Board Certified Podiatrist, Dr. Lionel G. Hausman, DPM, these problems mean more than just cold weather, which is why we’re talking about them in today’s post.

Conditions Affecting Foot and Ankle Circulation

There are several conditions that can contribute to poor circulation in the feet and ankles. They include:

  • Peripheral Artery Disease: PAD’s narrowing effect on arteries reduces blood flow to the limbs. If you’re a smoker, diabetic, or hypertensive, look for signs such as pain, cramping, and numbness in the feet.
  • Diabetes: High blood sugar levels can also lead to poor circulation because they damage blood vessels and nerves. This is called peripheral neuropathy, which can increase the risk of ulcers, infections, and even amputation.
  • Raynaud’s Disease: This condition causes spasms in blood vessels, which temporarily reduces blood flow to the fingers and toes. Cold temperatures or stress can trigger these episodes and cause the classic numbness, tingling, and discoloration.
  • Blood Clots: Blood clots can obstruct blood flow in the veins of the legs (aka deep vein thrombosis). They hurt and can cause noticeable swelling.

Can Walking Help?

Walking can be a valuable tool for improving circulation in the feet and ankles. Regular walking strengthens calf muscles, keeps blood flowing, and staves off cholesterol buildup.

But, if you can, aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day.

What are some other general tips to help your circulation?

Stay warm out there. We know New York is chilly, but bundling up is a great antidote to poor circulation.

And perhaps the best antidote is to manage existing conditions. Take extra care these months to control your diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other similar ailments.

If you have foot problems and need a solution, you’ll want to visit Gramercy Park for an appointment with Board Certified Podiatrist, Dr. Lionel G. Hausman, DPM. Whether it’s an ingrown toenail, heel pain, bunions, or plantar fasciitis, Dr. Hausman can expertly treat numerous foot and ankle conditions. If you’re in need of help, get in touch with us today!

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